September 30, 2010

It's strange...

I know that I said that I would probably not be updating the blog as much as I had been because of being so sad about the situation with the Demon.  But, I think, I have updated every day since.

I made the commitment a little while ago to set aside 10 minutes a day to blog.   I've been religiously posting since my promise to myself.  Since the Demon had his setback I've been down, emotionally.  However, I feel like I'm letting myself down if I don't post here?


It's not like anyone sits at their computer each day just awaiting my blog to be announced on Facebook or Twitter.  I mean, sure, I would hope that people enjoy it.. but I know there is a lot more interesting things to do on a Saturday or Sunday than to run to your computer and check in on Raising Kane.  No one is going to be upset if I do not blog ever again  for a day or two.  To be honest, the weekends I usually cheat get creative.  I will compose a few blog entries that I schedule to post on the days I know I will be busy.  Doing that is nothing new to the blogging world (in fact, I think I learned that trick from another blog?),  but to me still feels like cheating.

I think that maintaining the consistency here has helped me cope with the problems in my real life.  I can come here and pretend to be happy!

I'm sure I will start to believe it soon.