August 16, 2010

He misses me.

This weekend the Demon was with his dad. For the last 11+ years, it's very rare that he will call me while he's down there.

This weekend? He called me both Friday & Saturday.

Why? He said he was so bored and very lonely.

Awww. I love that he calls me when he's bored; I hate that he's bored and lonely.

He came home and wanted to cuddle. I love that my 11 year old still wants to be around me because it won't be long when he wants nothing to do with his mom. He will randomly come give me a kiss. He's always saying "I love you!" just out of the blue.

I must have done something right.


  1. Awww, you must be raising him right! I hope that when Brandon is older he still cuddles.

  2. Awww! My buddy its still a love bug and a cuddler too. He also likes to tell me I'm looking hot. The teenage years are going to crush me.
