August 19, 2010

A Corny Classic.

I love old corny movies. It's no secret my favorite movie of all time is Labyrinth. I love everything about the movie. Every second. I know every word...and can recite it without even watching it.

Last week, while we were at the mall, I darted into Suncoast on a mission. To find - and purchase - Little Shop Of Horrors.  The Demon has never seen this movie.

This scene had him cracking up! He was reluctant to watch it at first. Claiming he doesn't like musicals. Really??! We love Wizard of Oz, Labyrinth, and especially Rocky Horror Picture Show. He quickly changed his mind after the "Feed Me" scene.

Thankfully! We can add another corny musical to our list.

What's next? The Pirates of Penzance!


  1. OMG! pirates of penzance! i think, buried somewhere deep in my basement, there is a video tape of a certain 8th grade play...

  2. Not Pirates of Penzance, the Pirate Movie!!

  3. I've never heard of the Pirate Movie.
