May 26, 2010


I got my new cell phone. Pictures coming soon :)

Many of you know how closely I've followed the Ryan Widmer trial, and now retrial. The defense is reportedly resting today. I believe there may be one rebuttal witness, then closing arguments. From the very beginning I've felt Ryan is innocent. After the first guilty verdict I was a wreck. I couldn't believe so much reasonable doubt could lead to a man being found guilty and sentenced to 15 years to life. I felt for his family. I felt for Sarah's family.

When the juror came forward with the misconduct that occurred I was ecstatic for him and his family. He has another chance and I really hope justice is served this time and he's found not guilty. I follow very closely (and did during the 1st trial) to the live blog that WLWT does with Travis Gettys. It's really the closest thing to actually being in the courtroom.

In the unfortunate event he's found guilty again, I will most certainly need to be medicated. ahh.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so with you on this. I have no idea how any fair, rational person could have gone with a guilty verdict. Thus time around, it sounds like he's getting a fair trial. I look forward to seeing him acquitted.
