May 16, 2010


I grew up with my great grandma playing an active role in my life.

I grew up living (and still live) next door to my grandparents.

I grew up listening regularly to my grandma complaining about how my great grandma never listened to her. I grew up hearing her frustrations about how my great grandma knows that she shouldn't be doing things such as ..going to the basement, getting up on chairs or ladders...or getting down on her hands and knees. My great grandma would wander through the house looking for her cats. Why? I have no idea... but I believe, ultimately, it was when she was looking for her cats one day she fell down her basements steps, breaking her hip. She never came home. She went from the hospital, to rehab, to nursing home....she was 100 years old when she passed.

Now, I deal with the same crap my grandma dealt with with her mother,... with her. Daily, I have to tell my grandma NOT to do something that she knows she shouldn't be doing. She has fractured countless vertebrae & ribs from falling over the years. She has broken her pelvis. She has fallen numerous times, with no injury. She insists on climbing ladders. She insists on walking to and from the store & the bank. She insists on having to take back her BIG garbage can on her own. WHY!? WE LIVE NEXT DOOR. We are a phone call away for help. I have even told her how this is the same crap she lived through. She doesn't see it that way. Thank GOD my sister in law cleaned up the mess.

Yesterday, she decided she needed to clean the duct in her dining room. WHY? Is someone going to inspect her duct work??? Is something down there? Her cat? WHY would a 86 year old lady WANT to remove a big ass vent cover (the cold air return) and get down on her hands and knees and clean the ducts???? I'm 32 and I DON'T DO THAT! It's maddening. She lost her balance, and fell forward hitting the wall. Her house looked like a crime scene. She had to crawl to her bathroom, then to the living room to stand up. She walked outside catching the attention of the neighbors across the street and they come pounding on my door.

I was SO pissed. It's awful..the first emotion I have is anger. ANGER that my weekend is now ruined. I was 5 minutes away from leaving to pick my nephew up to spend the night. ANGER that now I have to call 911 and draw attention to our family again. ANGER that I have to get my brother or SIL down here instantly to stay with the demon. ANGER that he has to see his great grandma covered in blood like some horror movie. ANGER that I have to spend the next few hours in an emergency room. ANGER that I have to explain to the ER nurses and doctors what has just happened.

Her response, today, after the fact? "It's not that bad, everything turned out ok".

This is the after (I thought I would save you all from the bloody pictures).

15 staples to her HEAD.

I just don't know what the hell to do anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Grannie. And kudo's to you. Even though your Gran is a stubborn tough older still come to her rescue even if you get mad first. I wish I had words of wisdom to pass along to help..but alas I don't. :( I just hope your Grannie realizes that she's gotta slow down and take it easy. <3
