May 28, 2010

To jump..or not to jump?

After 20 hours...the jury is still deliberating. It's going to be a long weekend for me, I can't imagine the Widmer family. :(

I have both boys this weekend. Ya! I love it.

We were planning on seeing Shrek today, however, The Beast and I are coughing. Probably not the best time to go see a movie. Instead, I made my dreaded Watson's pool open run. $230. later, and I have everything I need to open the monster. THAT better be all the money I throw into this SOB. Tomorrow the cover comes off. That will let me know what damage has occurred since the cover has ripped.

I looked and it's DIRTY water under there. I am praying that it's just dirty and not filled with pine needles and leaves. The dirt the chlorine can take care of,... needles and leaves will have me jumping from the Suspension Bridge.

We have a raccoon that has decided to make our street (sewer) it's home. I hope that little guy stays hidden during the day! We've seen it twice now during daylight. I have a feeling it will meet Jesus if someone sees him wandering.

Allergies = me very tired. Time to nap! ♥

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