April 18, 2010

Fun times.

What a great weekend!

Friday evening I picked my up my nephew (The Beast) and he spent the weekend with us.

Saturday afternoon I took the boys to see Alice in Wonderland for a second time. The first time was just awful and can only accurately be described as an - assholes to elbows, popcorn chomping, seat kicking, man snoring, plastic crumpling - experience. This time there was a total of 6 people in the theater...including us! After the movie, we grabbed the dog and the beast grabbed his bike (the demon decided not to ride) and we all went for a walk. On the way home my nephew ended up with a flat tire (a HILARIOUS story) so he had to walk the bike back home while the demon walked the dog. We ordered pizza and played Wii the rest of the night and rocked out to some great music.

Sunday we were all up bright and early to head to the Zoo. It was a gorgeous (yet chilly) day to visit. We go to the zoo a lot and each time I normally take many pictures. Right now, the Zoo is celebrating "Zoo Blooms" so I have many flower pictures. Trying to get more practice.. it's not going so well.

Here are a few of the better ones....hope you enjoy!

-They got to feed the Kea birds.

- Turned out better than I thought.

-Dunno what it is, but it's pretty!

-Even though my biggest fear is ants.. the insect house is my favorite (reptile house is fav).

-The male gorilla always dodges my camera...I am SO pleased with this picture.

I should probably wake the demon.. he crashed as soon as the beast was picked up by my brother. It was definitely one of the best weekends we've all had in a very long time.

♥ ♥

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