November 14, 2012

history repeating itself...

11.14.11 i was feeling almost the same as i'm feeling today.  very weird.  i know my reasons for feeling funky, probably, are very different from last year - but, regardless... i'm down.

recently i've been doing a lot of retail therapy.  it's not something i *should* be doing and normally it's not something that makes me feel good - but this time it's different.   i'm forcing myself to buy some new clothes.  not just new clothes but clothes that i would not normally wear.  nice sweaters, leggings, boots, even tanks to go under the pretty sweaters.  twice last week i forced myself to dress a little nicer.  and, guess what?  i felt pretty on those days!

i felt nice.  i felt a little less funky.

no, i haven't lost weight.. in fact i've gained weight.  yes, i still hate everything about trying on clothes.  this is something i had to force myself to do.  i'm thankful i did.  

as superficial as this is to type - a fresh hair dye, lovely fall finger nail polish, a new sweater and a comfy pair of boots made all the difference in the world to me, last friday.  i felt good.

in my post from last year, i asked the question if people choose to stay sad?  i'm still not sure of the answer but i do know that i'm doing my best to make a conscious effort to not be sad.  i just need to find a cheaper way to cheer myself up - that won't continue to pack on the pounds! 

i have to throw a shout out to a blogger that i've been following for quite some time now.   Rachele, over at The Nearsighted Owl, has been an inspiration for me.  she is consistently so positive and supportive and, it may be silly to say, finding her blog may have totally changed my life.  i'm sure i'm not the only one that reads what she says and has had their lives touched.  her attitude on body image and empowering women is something that i needed exactly at the time in my life that i stumbled upon her blog -and through her blog i've also found many other positive women bloggers.  i know i've said it before, but, i really need to share these blogs with the few ppl that read mine! 

please take some time today to visit and browse her blog - you won't be sorry!

it's time to start my day.. i hope everyone is enjoying their week.

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