November 18, 2012

my week on instagram

another week has come and gone.  i am slacking - big time - with the blog.  for those that read and enjoy, i apologize!  i promise to do better for the remainder of the year...even if it's just checking in at the end of the day with a "hi!".

next week is thankgiving!  i can't believe how the end of the year always seems to fly by so quickly.  i hope to put the christmas tree up on wednesday.  i haven't been able to listen to christmas music just yet... 

anywho.. let's take a peak back on the week through instagram.

01.  over the summer i tried and tried to find a "nude" nail polish and i just never was able to get it on nicely.  even this one by Essie.. didn't make me completely happy.
02.  i just love my quilt.  it's perfect for my room temperature.  i wish it were possible to get this exact one in a small throw size to keep in my living room.  i shall start my hunt,.... now!
03.  i ordered my first non fat hot chocolate!  it's weird, i've ordered another since and it seems they aren't filling the cups up as full as in the past?  has anyone else had that experience with Mc Donalds?
04.  after playing for hours in the back yard shooting hoops..the demon came limping into the house with one shoe off.  he showed me this long nail that had embedded itself in his shoe!  thank god it didn't go all the way through... he survived!
05.  one of the prompts for the #fmsphotoaday challenge was "in your bag".  i bought this new purse last sunday.  it goes against almost everything i am to own anything this pink, but I couldn't resist the bag.
06.  after a day full of shopping with my brother, the beast and the demon...we refueled at Long John Silvers.
07.  i went through a long period when i wasn't hitting any trains as i drove to and from work.  i thought maybe it was because of the time change.  however, lately it seems as if at least once - daily - i'm getting stopped.  maybe it's because i'm running more late than normal.
08.  it's still looking a lot like fall around here.  our weekend temperatures have been perfect.  but, i am ready for cold temps and freezing evenings spent at the festival of lights.
09.  the demon appears to have taken a turn for the better with his grades.  i sure hope so!  he is so excited about going to high school (which is also a new feeling for him) and i don't want his school struggles to lessen that excitement.

i love that i've started doing this weekly recap.  it really helps to remember that,  even though i'm stuck in the funk, looking back - it's never as bad as it seems. 

enjoy the rest of your sunday.. i'm watching the bengals and expecting a win!

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