November 7, 2012

Top Ten V.20 - a Wednesday edition.

01.  BLAH.  if i could use just one word to describe how i've been feeling, lately, it would be that - blah.  i have been severely lacking my blogging mojo.  i also haven't picked up my camera since our pumpkin patch outing!

02.  the election is finally over.  living in ohio, it's been awful having political ads, telephone calls, and incessant campaigning shoved down our throats for the past few weeks.  the last few days have been UNreal.   in a matter of an hour we counted 32 commercials!!  crazy.  

03.  we're having another game night this friday! it's unbelievable since, over the last few years, game nights have been few and far between; especially game nights that involve the whole family.  i always get excited about game nights and it's something i look forward to for the whole week.

04.  i bought a new couch!  look, to some this isn't a big deal - i get it... but for me?  it's huge.  i just turned 35 and i've never had a new couch.  for some reason, our house has always been the catch all for hand me downs.  the new one is being delivered friday.  who knows, maybe i'll ditch game night and lay on the new couch all night.  :)

05.  if you've been a reader here for awhile you know all about my issues with thanksgiving.  we're not even attempting a bird this year!  the family, all 6 of us (possibly 7) are hitting cracker barrel and each of us will get exactly what we want.  absolutely no stress involved.  and if you do know me, you know i tend to "obsess"  so any reason for less worry is a plus.

06.  the Demon got his report card monday.   not good.  at the end of last year he was diagnosed with mild ADD.  i know people are quick to yell - no meds! or.. hurry, get him medicated!  after talking with him for a long time, we both agreed we needed to try something to help him focus.  he began taking a lose dose medication and we're cautiously optimistic.  he knows that it's not a miracle cure.  he knows he has to study and put forth more effort.  just as i've lost my blogging mojo, i've lost my "umph" on nagging and hassling him.  i can't study for him, i can't make him learn... he needs to realize what HE needs to do to succeed.

07.  speaking of education... right now he's "shadowing" a friend at the high school of his choice!  again, i obsess.  i didn't warn the school of his bathroom issues.  on a normal day, he may only make the trip once or twice during school.  in reality, it shouldn't be a problem for him.  however, add in an experience in a new school and the stress of the unknown and the fact that he doesn't know where each and every bathroom is.. the potential is there.  he has inherited his "worry" from the best... he knows what he has to do and he also knows what to do if they (or anyone) questions his need to leave the class.  my hope is that being around his friend puts his mind at ease and he can enjoy the experience.  

08.  is anyone else ready for christmas movies and songs?!?!!

09.  and, snow!!

10.  speaking of christmas, i have seen quite a few of my friends talking about christmas shopping.  *@&!  i guess i better start finding out what these kids want!

enjoy your wednesday! 

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