November 9, 2012

he cracks me up.

if you have kids i'm sure you've had the thought... "OMG!  I need to write that down so I can always remember that he/she said that!"  (or did that!)?  that's the exact moment i'm having right now.

i mentioned that i bought a new couch.   it's being delivered today and the old one is on the front porch.  sitting here, watching mindless television, i remembered what the Demon said right after i told him about getting a new couch.  i was expressing my excitement.  he didn't seem phased?  it wasn't like him.  

"Aren't you excited?"
"Eh, I guess."
"What's wrong?"
"I have a lot of good memories on the old couch."
"Aww, cuddle memories?"
"Oh, well yeah.  That.  But that's where we laughed and did the butt juice!"

(cracks up)

he kills me!!!  when he was first diagnosed with UC he was prescribed medicinal enemas.  to help relax him and turn the entire ordeal from embarrassing to hilarious - we started to call it "butt juice".  as i was sitting here thinking of all the times we've laid there and cuddled...his first memory of that couch is the hilarious butt juice.

he's amazing, and this is one story that i don't want to forget.

enjoy your weekend!

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