October 23, 2012

Top Ten V.19

Happy Tuesday!  This part of the week always seems to draaaag along - very slowly.  In my last top ten I thought it would be fun to list a few things that I would have rather been doing at the time.  Today, I am going to share what I'm looking forward to!

01.  This afternoon we have to go grocery shopping.  I'm definitely looking forward to being finished with that chore.
02.  As lame as it may seem to some, I look forward to my Sons of Anarchy and American Horror Story each week!
03.  Dancing!  I recently purchased Just Dance 4.  If you're new around here, you'll quickly learn that I love to use this game as exercise.  I just need to locate some motivation :)
04.  I can't wait to show you all the costume the Demon has chosen this year for Halloween.
05.  On that note, I am looking forward to a "trial run" of the costume this weekend!
06.  We're going to be making some yummy Halloween cupcakes this weekend.
07.  Halloween & carving pumpkins ♥
08.  .. the election being O V E R.  I'm sick of debates, commercials and especially telephone calls!  What ever happened to that Do Not Call List?  Jerks.
09.  I'm really trying to stay positive and not so funky.  I imagine if I keep telling myself "horray!  my birthday is coming up!"  I will eventually convince myself to be happy.  Right?  So, I'm including my birthday in this list.
10.  Game night!  FINALLY.  My brother has Saturday off and we're planning a family game night.  I always try to invite my good friend to join us, to make 6,  and we have such a great time.  I promise to share some of the fun on here next week!  I'm sure I look forward to our games nights more than anyone else involved.

Enjoy your day!

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