January 16, 2017

Week one.

Well, things didn't go exactly as expected..but really, who knows what in the world I'm really supposed to expect, as I go through this whole process.  Like I said, I just show up where they tell me.

Monday, was a do nothing day.  A quiet start to the week.

Tuesday, I went in for my blood transfusion.  My hemoglobin count was down to 8.4 (I need to hit the magic number of 10, to be able to continue with radiation.  It seemed like I had a good way to go..)  I was given 1 bag (or unit, or whatever the measurement is..) of blood and was sent on my way.  I was so exhausted.  It was only about a 2-3 hour trip, but I've been very run down and low on blood for so long, I am really just so tired all of the time.

Wednesday, I had my chemo teaching set up and then I was directed to a different part of the hospital for my picc line.  I was expecting some pain, naturally, when getting this freakin' thing,..but here I sit nearly 5 days later and it's still a bit sore.  Thankfully, I can tell it's improving by how much easier it seems to manage my rats nest of a hair style.  The only real complaint I have is wrapping it for showers.  It really makes bending my arm difficult!  Trial and error, I suppose.

Thursday, is when things started to get a little crazy.  I was to go to my first radiation and then swing by the hospital (Thankfully, everything is relatively close to each other for these appointments - my radiation and chemo.) for a dressing change with my picc line.  They decided, since I was started chemo the next day to run the blood work while I was there.  It was then they realized my hemoglobin levels were only at an 8.6 after the transfusion on Tuesday.  ARG!  I was panicked.  I didn't want things to be held up.  They said they were given orders to keep me and give me 2 more units.  

.... meanwhile... my nephew was texting me with a dental emergency.  He needed a ride and the nurses said I could just do what I needed to do and come back for the blood.  So, I did.  During that semi quick trip to the dentist - I had to cancel another appointment I had scheduled that afternoon and reschedule it (stitches to be removed..). While I waited for my nephew, I took a quick nap in their waiting room. ha! What can I say, they had comfy chairs.  Thankfully, my SIL works there and was able to explain the situation.

I raced back to the hospital and was there for another 3-4 hours (I was the last patient to leave for the evening) for the blood transfusion.  WHEW, I was beyond exhausted.  I went home and slept (read: took an ativan and passed out).

Friday, I woke up energized and ready to go!  Radiation first thing in the morning and over for chemo.  The nurses remarked how much "pinker" I looked and how more energized I seemed.  All good things.  I was served a pepsi with a glass of ice on a silver platter by some amazing older gentleman volunteer.  He was the most adorable man, offering snacks and food throughout the day to all the patients there receiving infusions.  Everyone there, just really is amazing and can always put a smile on my face.

Saturday/Sunday.. I did little to nothing.  I did make a medical supply run, and assisted the Demon with taking down Christmas decorations.  We're a bit late, but, it's still January... right??

I've not experienced any nausea or diarrhea (common with the area I am being given radiation).  Thankfully, the meds seem to be working!  I was told, by a nurse while getting chemo, it's better to prevent the nausea by taking the pills on time vs. trying to treat it once it hits.  And, so far so good.  

Here's hoping my second week of treatment continues as uneventful as the first.  

PS.  I do hope to start getting back to posting photos to this blog.  It definitely breaks up these boring wordy posts. :)

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