January 23, 2017

Week 2.

Wow.  After feeling so great after my last blog entry I guess my body decided to remind me I  am  going through radiation and chemotherapy.  Overnight into Monday, I woke with severe neck pain/chest pain.  I thought, maybe, it was just residual side effects from aspirating fluid during my procedure a few weeks back.  It was so incredibly painful.  I barely got any sleep and decided that I should probably go get checked out. Because Monday was a holiday, I had no treatment scheduled, so I took the opportunity of a clear schedule to hit a priority care clinic.  Thankfully, a new chest xray showed my lungs clear.  But geez, I was in pain!  They recommended that I get back on the cough medicine (even though I really wasn't coughing all that much..) for the next 2 days and take 800 mg of ibuprofen for the pain.

Tuesday - back at radiation, bright and early!  I was still feeling pretty awful.  Overnight, it was another struggle to get comfortable.  I couldn't lay flat or on my side because of the pain.  It was a balancing act using pillows to find some sort of comfort.  I met with the doctor and explained, again, to her, my symptoms.  Everyone seemed to dismiss them as muscular/stress related (sore from weeks of coughing).  But, there was no convincing me of that.  It HURT.  Again, the recommendation of ibuprofen.  I went into work afterwards and was a walking zombie of pain.  That afternoon, I met with another radiation oncologist - the one responsible for my internal radiation.  I was feeling so icky.  He was giving me loads of information - that I really couldn't have cared less about.  I'm to the point in my mindset - just tell me where to go and what time to be there and I'll show up.  I need no details.  haha.  Finally, I got home and ate some dinner and by 8pm, I was asleep.  Oh, by the way, I think what little hair I had left on the tail end of my eyebrow said "adios" overnight. haha, could that be chemo related!?!  Or, could it just be they were the last of the stragglers and decided to jump!?

Wednesday - ahhh, I had a better nights rest.  I still woke with some neck/chest pain but it wasn't nearly as bad.  I have figured out if I take some deep, slow, long breaths, it does help my pain.  Maybe it really IS muscular and stretching out my chest cavity through deep breathing was the answer.  I had early morning rads and made it through work with little issue.  Also, keeping up with the ibuprofen is probably being helpful.  Let's hope my stomach can continue with this madness!  Speaking of madness, my damn picc line is still sore!  I can't imagine it's still supposed to be this sore.. I'll be slightly irritated if this hurts like this throughout the duration of my treatment!

Thursday - each day I was feeling better and better!  I actually was able to sleep on my right side.  It was the first time I didn't have to sleep upright since getting the picc line.  Off to radiation first thing in the morning (read: 9:40 am) and then I went into work for a few hours.  I had a 1:45 pm appointment to get a couple stitches out (had a cyst removed from my scalp..ewww!) and then I was off to relax at home.  Each night, I am very tired.  I come home feeling okay, but as soon as I eat dinner, I am fading away and falling asleep in the recliner.

Friday - chemo, round 2!  But first, radiation.  Radiation is pretty basic.  I lay there, face down, and the machine travels around my body and it lasts for about 5 mins.  From there, I rush to my 10 am chemo appointment.  Ohhh, as soon as I get there I was handed a gorgeous surprise.

Look at how pretty!!!  A friend of mine has recently retired and let me know she knits prayer shawls for the hospital.  It just so happened I am a patient at the same hospital!  She asked me for my color preference and I immediately thought of the cervical cancer awareness colors - teal and white.  I couldn't have been happier.  Each treatment, I will think of her and the time she took to make this for me.  I'm so grateful.

Look at me! All cozy and comfortable.  I finally remembered my travel pillow, what a difference that made!  It really helps to lift my spirits to have the comforts of home with me during these long infusions.

Now, I previously mentioned the adorable older gentleman and how he walks around the unit asking everyone if they want any snacks, lunch, drinks, entertainment (books, magazines)..well this week he had this dessert to share.

It's called "magic cup" and let me tell you.. it was MAGICAL AND DELICIOUS.  All I can compare its flavor to is vanilla frosting.  A very cold cup of vanilla frosting.  MAN, it was so, damn good.  I sure hope this treat makes repeat appearances during my follow-up treatments.

After my treatment the sun finally was making an appearance.  I knew I wanted to get out and enjoy a short walk.  Of course, as soon as I made the 20 minute drive to the short trail I wanted to walk.. it had gone back in for the day.  Either way, I was determined to enjoy a brief walk through the woods.  It's been so, very long since I've done any sort of walking at all.

Not the best of pics (I only had my cell) but, gosh, it felt good to even take these.  It was a wonderful way to end such a long day spent in a hospital.  I grabbed some Subway and binged watched Tiny House Hunters, and of course, now I want to live in a Tiny House!

Saturday - I got a message from my brother letting me know we'd be having a game night!!  MAN, I love game nights.  They have become smaller since the boys have outgrown the fun of hanging with their parents on a Saturday night.. but, it was fun all the same!   ***TMI ALERT***  now, not everything can be rosey and gold during this treatment time.  I was warned that my bowels may be a little angry at times, and yes, Saturday morning they were!  After I had suffered enough, I broke down and took some Imodium.  I was told I could, but I was just trying to have it run its course.  But, I am thankful for the help from the Imodium.  Note to self:  just take the help, first!

Sunday - Nothing at all.  Ha!  Well, I did some laundry, straightened up the house, and got my hair cut!  I was feeling very tired and ended up in bed before 9pm.  

All and all, I have very little to complain about and I am happily surprised.

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