November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat!

i have to say that it's been a very long time since i've had so much while fun trick or treating.  last night was great!

"you're a boy!?!"
"you're a couple of mighty fine looking ladies!"
"call me later!!!"
"best costumes of the night!"

when my brother suggested (yes, my brother!) that the boys go as girls..more specifically an angel/devil combo, the boys weren't having anything to do with the thought.  it wasn't until i bribed the demon with a wig, that he changed his mind.  then it was time to convince my nephew (which wasn't that hard!).  

the demon was immediately into the whole thing.  he was picking out his makeup and having a great time.  he specifically asked for black lipstick!  the boy knows what he wants.  my nephew was still hesitant.  he was arguing getting his picture taken..but gave in.  when it came time to his makeup - he, too, knew what he wanted.  blue eyes shadow!  

it was a very cold/wet evening.  they had to throw some hoodies on (zip up, of course!  i mean they had to show off those bodies.) and attach their wings over in order to make them visible.  the beast added some long johns to keep his legs warm and off we went!  

they were completely in character.  they'd walk up to the house and very sweetly say "trick or treat"... be handed their candy and reply, very manly, "thank you".  the reactions were priceless!  the best reactions came from those neighbors that know them.  complete surprise!

i'm thankful that everyone had a great time and were so receptive to their costumes.  it put their minds at ease and they were able to shed that self consciousness and thoroughly enjoy the night.  despite the miserable weather there were a couple of guys that worked their butts off for that candy last night!

my momma would have loved it...

i know you all miss my, things i love thursday, right?  have no fear, it will return next week :)

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