November 2, 2012

the big 3-5.

so, it's my birthday.

isn't he the best!?  except, i'm 35!!!!  i gave him loads of grief about this, this morning.  so much so that he felt it necessary to redeem himself...

... lol he erased my "Halloween" and added "Birthday"

i've read that people that experience a loss go through a series of "firsts".  a couple of "firsts" have already passed... mother's day, her birthday, and Halloween. today marks my fourth, first.

yesterday marked 6 months...and it still doesn't seem real.

i have to say, i have the best friends in the world.  they are doing their very best to make this day amazing for me.  but really, they do that every year.  i'm sure the constant updates of when the day is, helps with that. ha!  it's impossible to not know when my big day is, and that's the way i like it!

the Demon leaves this evening and is spending the weekend (including his birthday) with his dad.  i don't know that there has ever been a year that i've spent our birthdays totally apart.  it is going to seem weird.  normally we're together for at least one of them.  we plan on having our cake and ice cream sunday. 

i hope everyone enjoys their weekend!  i have absolutely nothing planned - and sometimes - those are the very best weekends.

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