August 1, 2012

Hello, there!

i wanted to check in with you all!  i mean, i don't want to bore everyone (yet) with my play by play recap of what we've been up to this week but i do want to stop by and say HI.


we've been keeping very busy.  this morning is the first time, since last friday that we're just hanging out not doing too much.  this evening we have big plans and i can't wait to tell everyone how we've spent our time off.

today marks the start of #photoadayaug and i'm excited about trying to accomplish something from start to finish.  you can follow me on instagram @raisingkane1.  i'm sure i will be posting a few random pictures from the list here, as well.   if you're participating please let me know how to keep up with your pictures, too!

until next time... i'm going to leave you with a skyline shot of our beautiful city!

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