July 27, 2012


the other evening, as i was watching TV...minding my own business, i turned to the left and saw this.  can you guess where this is?

maybe if i zoom out?

ignore the dusty picture!
on this particular evening  the demon had a sandwich and some mac n cheese for dinner.  instead of putting his dish in the sink and the container in the garbage, he thought putting this crap behind the picture was the better option.  this sat behind the picture for 3 nights until i noticed it when i turned in that direction!


i hope you all enjoy your weekend.  i am taking the week off of work next week so i can't promise regular blogging, however, i do promise to return soon with loads of fun pictures!


  1. Sheesh, I heard that this was trendy decor. WTF is wrong with you? :)

    1. lol, It tends to go nicely with the granola bar wrappers that I occasionally find between the couch cushions too! Thanks for the comment :)
