July 25, 2012

this is how summer should be spent.

this has become the normal demon face as soon as i bust out any camera.  "c'mon moooom!  no more!!"

it's obvious that it's super risky to have any type of camera near the water unless you're lucky enough to have some sort of waterproof protection or a specific waterproof camera.  so far, i've only been brave enough to take my phone near the pool and not my digital camera.  thankfully, i get decent pictures with my new phone.

even though it's just my phone camera, my phone is definitely not cheap.  the above picture is a shot of the demon as he spent 5 minutes standing in the cold air as a punishment for splashing me my phone!  obviously, the punishment didn't phase him considering...

...the threat of punishment didn't seem to keep him from splish splashin' everywhere!

after a lot of jumping and splashing it was time to rest.

this time last year we had just come home after his second surgery and were just uncovering the pool.  i am beyond thrilled that he's able to spend this summer doing everything that he loves instead of spending days on end confined to a hospital bed in pain.

it's amazing to see how far he's come.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad he is able to enjoy his summer this year!
