August 7, 2012

a mixture of frisbee and miniature golf.

for our first day of vacation we decided to have some fun golfing.  now, i don't mean regular boring little white golf ball style golf.  we chose to hit the frisbee golf course in the afternoon and then attack miniature golf in the evening.

first we stopped for a quick lunch at mcdonald's.  the mickey d's that i would go to as a child burned down awhile back and this was the first time i've been inside since they remodeled.  wow!  who knew mc donald restaurants were so fancy nowadays.  they have hanging lights above the tables.. beautiful lights!  after eating, we hit the golf course.  we laughed at the graffiti, rescued our stuck discs, and came across what looked to be tree sap?  do all trees have sap?  is that sap?!  there was a white bug enjoying it..whatever "it" was.  after we played a round - and then another 9 holes - we decided to head home.  but, not before stopping at speedway and picking up a round of 99¢ speedy freezes.  delish!  and totally off topic but shown in the pictures.. a pack of cig's is really that expensive!?!  wow!

we went home, showered and as soon as my sister in law was off work we left for dinner and some putt putt!  normally we go to a very simple putt putt place, but since we were on vacation we thought we should head to a bigger and better course and also surprise the boys with some go karts! 

after we filled our bellies at o'charleys we tackled the mountain.  it's been years since i've been to this place.  it was almost as i remembered it except it was dry.  there was no running water through the mountain!?  i missed that...  after i kicked everyone's butt (okay, i really only beat out the demon by 1 point) we surprised the boys with 2 rounds of go karting!  we all had a great first day to our vacation. 

i realize i'm a day late in posting day 1.. so i may lump day 2 and 3 into tomorrow's post.  i have a ton of photos from day 3!

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