July 11, 2012

fighting the funk.

i've been MIA lately around this blog world.  i'm having real issues with the funk but i made a promise to myself to try to post at least 3 times a week.  i was already having a hard time dealing with everything then add to that the loss of my blog pictures - i've not been up to blogging.  in fact, i've not been me for a little while. 

anyway.. here we are, wednesday, and this is my first post!  oops.  i don't have too much to say so lets start with a picture.

one day while the boys were playing around in the pool they decided to try to fit behind the ladder.  neither one of them had a problem.  go figure!  i struggle daily with food and trying to lose weight and both boys are like walking stick figures.  

we finally made it to kings island in the evening and stayed for the fireworks.  while i did not get a good picture of the fireworks (only had my phone with me) i snapped this one of shake, rattle, and roll...

whew, just looking at that ride in motion makes me queasy!  the boys don't ride it often, but it's one of the rides in the park that almost guarantees no wait time.

finally, this is my view lately...

this is the demon through my pool float.  for the most part, my time spent in the pool is laying on floats or dangling my feet from the ladder.  the demon enjoys annoying every second of my time spent in the pool so his time is spent throwing basketballs, splashing, and swimming (and therefore kicking me) under my float.  

i can't believe that we're almost to the middle of july.  i have been seeing back to school commercials and store displays recently.  regardless of how super annoying he and the beast may be..  i wish we had more time off together!

until next time...

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